Why We Need To Define Travel Meaning Better
Why We Need To Define Travel Meaning Better
When one looks at the various aspects of travel, the idea of a solitary vacation often strikes you as oxymoron. In fact, a single trip can comprise numerous activities like hiking, camping, backpacking, canoeing, fishing, mountain biking, kayaking, climbing, mountain climbing, whitewater rafting and so on. Hence, the term “single trip” can be used to collectively portray a trip that entails more than a single activity. However, the term single trip also suggests a lengthier duration.
Single trip, then, can be termed a short travel. It does not mean that the travel is of a shorter duration than the norm. What it does mean is that the travel is somewhat non-routine. There are no specific, scheduled landmarks to beat, no fixed schedule of when to go. It is, in short, non-preconventional.
So why do we feel the need to provide conventional travel with a twist? The answer lies in the need to offer travellers the opportunity to combine conventional travel with a few extra conveniences and services, to make travelling easier, more interesting and more enjoyable. Let us take a case study from real life. Say, for instance, that you are travelling to a warm climate, via land. You may want to take a shower before you start travelling, as you would not want to enter the cool confines of your hotel room and get drenched by the humidity and hot temperatures.
You can do so, within minutes by availing of the services provided by the hotels’ hospitality departments. They will send a van to pick you up and deliver warm showers in your room. You can then have a leisurely breakfast (or even a snack and drinks in your room) while you await your trip in the sun. You can enjoy all this, without any concern for how you will get to your final destination, as these are pre-arranged travel arrangements made by the hotels.
This brings us to the subject of destination. Destination is the element which brings all other travel elements together, and therefore, it is of paramount importance. For example, if you are travelling to a warmer region of the world, you might want to consider a long trip that covers many days. But if you are travelling to a colder one, you might wish to choose a short-term stay, where you spend one or two nights in a region close to your starting point.
Now that we understand travel meaning better, we can see why it is important to understand the travel industry. For one thing, travel can help you get away from it all and unwind in a new environment. It allows you to experience things that normal people do not, but that most people would never dream of trying. Understanding travel meaning can also help you plan your next holiday properly, by letting us know just what you really want to see, do or experience.